[Regulation Scheme] Citrus Preservation of Flowers and Fruits

In citrus cultivation and management, citrus flower quantity and fruit setting rate are easily affected by climate environment and management measures. In the case of abnormal climate, low endogenous hormone levels and insufficient nutrient supply during the flower and fruit period, it is easy to cause some citrus varieties to have fewer flowers, a high proportion of deformed flowers, slow turning of spring shoots and low fruit setting. In view of this phenomenon, it is suggested that the combination of "plant growth regulator + nutrition" should be applied to promote the new shoots to turn green, inhibit the formation of separation layer, improve and transfer the supply of nutrients, so as to improve the quality of citrus flowers, flower quantity and fruit setting rate.



[Twenty-Four Solar Terms] Qi Qing Jing Ming means Qingming

Every year around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar, when the bucket refers to B (or the sun yellow longitude reaches 15 degrees), it is the Qingming festival. Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty, and then merged into the Cold Food Festival and Shangsi Festival. After evolution, it is called Qingming Festival. The festival is at the turn of mid-spring and late spring.



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